Explore our upcoming shows and events. We host regular performances at The Historic Collins Theatre, private venues, as well as local area schools.

Tickets & Season Passes
Check out ticket prices and purchasing for our next show, or buy season passes so you can attend every show this year! Be sure to follow us on Facebook in case we run any promotions or discounts!

Who Is the GCFAC?
The Greene County Fine Arts Council is a non-profit community theatre organization that strives to bring awareness, participation, and enjoyment of The Fine Arts to all of Greene County Arkansas. We offer multiple ways for any community member to play a part in our mission! Participating with the GCFAC allows one to remain involved in the council's actions and events. Whether you're looking to work backstage as crew, stage manager, lighting/sound, or set design - or maybe you've always heard the call of the stage, but you don't know where to get started. The Greene County Fine Arts Council is open to community persons of all types, of all talents, and we welcome you and your journey to finding your place and purpose in The Fine Arts.